In the human body, each of the five great elements known as Panchabhutas has a corresponding sense organ by which interaction with its cosmic counterpart takes place - the ear for Akasa, the medium of sound, the skin for Vayu, characterized by the sense of touch, the eyes for Agni, characterized by light, the tongue for Jala and the nostrils for Prithvi.
The five temples of Pancha Boothas are:-
The five temples of Pancha Boothas are:-
1.Chidambaram Natarajar temple representing Akash (space).
2.Thiruvanaikoil Jambukeswarar temple representing Jalam (water),
3.Kancheepuram Ekambareswarar temple representing Prithvi (earth),
4.Thiruvannamalai Arunachaleswarar temple representing Agni (fire) and
5.Sri Kalahasti Nathar temple representing Vayu (wind).
Human body and Panchabhootas:-The Five basic elements called Pancha Boothas are kept in a certain balance in the Universe and the body. The variation in this balance ends in natural disasters, and diseases in the body For example, the Human body is also made up of Panchabhootas; the physical body with muscles and bones refers to Earth, blood and other fluid in the body refer to Water, the temperature of the body refers to Fire, the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body refers to Air, the Athma (Soul) refers to Space.
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Thanks for sharing this article. Nice Post.
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